Since its inception in 2000, the West Country Writers’ Ink has provided a forum for writers to share their work with other writers, discuss the experience of writing, and encourage each other to keep writing!
Some members had never written a ‘creative’ word before joining the group, while others were members of various other writing groups or had works accepted in various publications.
“More Selections from West Country Writers’ Ink” is a Centennial edition; both a commemoration of Alberta’s 100th Birthday (1905 – 2005) and a celebration of writing by the members of the West Country Writers’ Ink (2000 – 2005). Includes selections by Brian Bradley, Margaret Corbet, Myrtle Grovet, Helen Hoszouski, Victor Jensen, Betty Murphy, Ron Bradley, Orpha Donnelly, Maria Haubrich, Diamantina Hurren, Evelyn Lewis, and Vivia Oliver.
“Poems” is a collection that includes contributions from Ron Bradley, Brian Bradley, Vic Jensen, Betty Murphy, Myrtle Grovet, Helen Hoszouski, Orpha Donnelly, and Evelyn Lewis.