Artwork © Judy Hauge
Category: Updates
5th Annual Art Show & Sale
4th Annual Art Show & Sale
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Thank you to all the participating artisans, and everyone who stopped by to take in our 4th Annual Art Show and Sale on July long weekend!
There are many folks that help out behind the scenes and contribute to the success of the event. From overflow parking access (thanks Jim, Al & d’Arcy, Carly, Fensala Hall!); to the food and facilities available at Historic Markerville Creamery (thanks Brooke, Pam and the gang!); to venue space access (thanks Ed & Marlene, Al & d’Arcy, Ron, SGSIS!).
Thanks to all the friends that followed along on Facebook and shared our posts to help get the word out.
When I was putting out our sandwich board signs for the event I was grateful for last year’s donations from Paintwerx Studios, Vokestone Crowns, and Drew & Michelle Hauge that made them possible!
Thanks to John for help with displays, Olivia Jasmin for sharing her photos from the event with us, and @charlotteskogenmusic for dropping in to play and sing for a while before heading over to the Creamery stage!
Thanks to the artists for helping each other out during set up and take down. Sometimes you just need an extra set of hands to tie that cord or balance a rack.
And finally, I want to mention an unexpected but most welcome contribution by neighbour Al. When the wind arrived on day two, he had a couple of lovely pieces of leftover marble slab that worked perfectly to thwart the escape attempts by a rack of dyed silk scarves!
Larry Kjearsgaard
The final concert of the season for Thursday’s Supper and Song event was an enjoyable presentation: The history of Markerville in stories and songs. See the original post on Historic Markerville’s Facebook page.
Larry took the stage at the Creamery courtyard on August 25, 2022. He shared quirky and fun versions of some well-known songs with his own lyrical twist, prefacing them with quick introductions to the local history behind them. And for his last song of the night he invited the audience to join in and help sing a version of “This Land is Our Land” with a tip of the hat to Alberta in the lyrics!
Thank you to Historic Markerville for putting this on, and to Chantal Riviere for organizing all of the performers for Supper and Song this year. She found an amazing variety of musical talent to grace the Creamery stage for eight shows! The Thursday free concerts are over for now, but they’ll return next year in July.
In the meantime, here’s a reminder that the Fensala Hall Concert Series will be starting on September 17, 2022 with the Marcus Trummer Band. Information and tickets are available at the Historic Markerville website. Season tickets can also be purchased for all five concerts in 2022/2023 by calling 403-728-3795.
Please enjoy some videos from Larry’s performance on August 25.