Jaydin Vonkeman

July 22, 2021 | 6:30 PM

Markerville was treated to an evening of live music by Jaydin Vonkeman.

The Creamery opened for this special event, allowing everyone to grab something to eat before the show. With ice cream for dessert, folks settled into their lawn chairs or took advantage of provided seats and picnic tables to sit back, relax and enjoy the concert. #jaydinvonkeman

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Photos from July 4, 2021

It was threatening rain, but many of the artists stayed for day two of our Outdoor Art Show and Sale. It turned out great (rain held off till 5 p.m.), and people kept showing up right to closing. Larry and Russ returned to sing and play guitars, helping to make the day enjoyable both sight and sound.

Thank you to all the artisans who could attend and make Artists on the Avenue possible. And a big thanks to everyone who ventured out to see the show; it was a success, and we’re all looking forward to next year.

Here are some photos from our second day:

Continue reading Photos from July 4, 2021

Photos from July 3, 2021

What a great day for the start of the second annual Artists on the Avenue Outdoor Show and Sale! Special thanks to the Markerville Creamery staff who brought some “July 1st Celebration” cake and fresh coffee to share with the artists!

Here are some photos from morning setup and throughout the day.

Continue reading Photos from July 3, 2021

Susan Judge

As I was born and raised in Red Deer I’ve grown up seeing the gradual growth and expansion of the city limits. My real love is the heritage buildings with the truly distinctive character and charm from our not too distant past. I always want to capture the essence in my photography as well as manipulating the colours to create something different but maintain the true heritage and character.

Being commissioned to photograph homes, barns, and people with their animals has been another way to express my creativity in a very unique way. As a member of Central Alberta Photographic Society I’ve received many awards including Photographer of the Year.

My Grandparents farmed near Markerville and I spent many holidays visiting and enjoying the farm life. Markerville has always held a special place in my heart so I’m very excited to be able to attend this show.

Facebook: Susan Judge
Cell Phone: 403-350-8113