Hilda & Kristy Gamble

at Fensala Hall

Our names are Hilda and Kristy Gamble, a mother/daughter duo that has spent many hours taking classes, going to and running quilt retreats, learning and practicing our skills through fun, and now also teaching others. We play with both yarn and fabric.

Our yarn play has us create items such as slippers, mittens, hats, scarves and afghans of different sizes, weights and colors. Our fabric play has us create items such as placemats, hotmats, table runners, centrepieces, children’s books, table cloths and wall hangings.

Then there are the quilts! From small baby quilts to couch throws, twin quilts and sizes on up, there are always several quilts on the go. We create what we are inspired to as well as items we are commissioned to make for those who have specific wishes but perhaps neither the time or the skills to do their own.

We offer our creations for sale to others through markets, word of mouth and the occasional on-line posting. We are also happy to donate items several times a year, on our own, as well as through the two crafting groups in our area that we belong to. We like to think of our donations providing a smile or a warm hug to the recipients from someone in their community who cares.

We run quilt retreats and classes throughout the year, please contact us for details.

The Stitchin Nest at 22 Birdwalk
403-559-4536 | Loppe@xplornet.com

Al Derksen

I have worked with leather most of my life. My partner and I do custom leather work: mainly sheaths, scabbards, holsters and belts. 

• Holsters
• Slings
• Knife Sheaths
• and more

Al’s Custom Leather | 780-518-8290
alderksen47@gmail.com | Spruce View, Alberta

Annette Gray

Pick up a copy of Annette’s new book,
“It’s About Time- A Memoir”

Annette Gray is a Canadian born writer of fiction, nonfiction and poetry. She has numerous published short stories and newspaper articles to her credit as well as eight books: Butterflies In The Dark, Mountains and Moonbeams, Twisted Heart; Twin Hearts; Rearview Mirror; Journey of the Heart–a true story; Westport’s Tarnished Star–in defense of Johnny Behan; and Keep The Peace At All Cost.

“My father, a quiet, unassuming man, was a great mentor. He taught me to believe in myself. ‘You can do anything you set your mind to,’ he used to say. Under his guidance, I became a writer with hundreds of articles and short stories published in the USA and Canada.”

Graytwest Books by Annette Gray

Wendy Meeres

I have always been an artist, from my youngest days to my current life. I now focus on making lampwork beads, jewelry from the beads, and painting. I paint in watercolour, acrylics and mixed media. I also love to teach, what is better than sharing your passion and getting others to enjoy creating art and appreciating the arts.

My work celebrates colour and patterns found in the world around me. I am often inspired by my travels both close to home and around the world.

I hope you find the perfect piece – either for your home or to compliment your wardrobe.

Wendy Meeres Art | 403-318-8638

Cathy Ziegler

Cathy Ziegler has enjoyed crafting all her life and is excited to be a part of Artist on the Avenue this year. Bringing her Macrame wreaths, wreath mirrors, key chains, wall hangings and samplers, beadwork and the last of her 10 year run of dream catchers.

Mystic Mountain Rock Shop | 403-507-9244
Olds, Alberta

Vern Steinbrecker

I was raised on a farm north of Hanna and spent most of my life in Calgary, employed in the agricultural field and construction.

My wood turning started about 17 years ago as a personal hobby. After 7 years of building skills, I eventually began showing my work at the Farmers’ Markets around Calgary.

I moved to Sundre, Alberta in 2018 and retired a few months later. I still do a bit of wood turning but am expanding and trying different wood working.

I regularly take part in the Sundre Farmer’s Market and a few other markets; I have to keep busy!

VJS Turning